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Archive: 2008

Visiting Artist Series 2008 Heading link

Artist Dates Year Title
Beck, Sherman June 1st - June 30th 2008 "Realms and Abstractions"
Embry, Tyrone July 1st - July 31st 2008 "Embry's Spirit and Soul"
Gray, Rhonda Larissa May 1st - May 31st 2008 "Color My Love"
Hayes, Marian December 1st - December 31st 2008 "The Zen of Blackeyed Peas"
Kedem-DuBose, Makeba August 1st - August 31st 2008 "1808: A New Works by Makeba Kedem-DuBose"
Onli, Turtel October 1st - October 31st 2008 "The Blacker the Hero"
Owens, Fredrick R. March 1st - March 31st 2008 "Mediascapes I"
Smothers, Garrick L. September 1st - September 31st 2008 "Materials and Process"
Swilley, Clareatha April 1st - April 30th 2008 "Christ Revisited"
Toles, Cheryl M. November 1st - November 30th 2008 "Continued Blessings"
Turner, Bobbiette February 1st - February 29th 2008 "Reflections and Transitions"