Jorge Alejandro Guerra Salomón
Age 17- Painting Concentration
Hacer arte público mejora nuestra comunidad; cambia cuando realizamos una escultura, un mural, etc… en función de ella, no solo se transforma y mejora su entorno, sino que se embellece, se cura y los individuos que forman parte de ella, aprenden a apreciar ese arte, agradeciendo el cambio y se comparten cuidándolo para sí y la colectividad. Haciendo arte, en función de la comunidad, el artista comparte, intercambia y socializa con esta, sus ideas, sus emociones y la visión del mundo que le rodea, deja de ser individual para convertirse en colectiva, en beneficio de ella.

Making public art improves our community. The community changes when we create a sculpture, a mural, etc…in service of the community. The community isn’t just transformed and it’s environment improved, but it is also beautified and healed. Individuals who live in the community learn to appreciate art, amplifying the change by committing themselves to take care of the art for themselves and the collective. By making art for the community, the artist shares, exchanges, and socializes with the community, its ideas, emotions, and the vision of the world that surrounds it. The artist stops being an individual in order to become part of the collective in order to benefit the community.