On Beauty and Heritage: A Fabric Art Exhibition
Phase I
Featuring: Chicago fabric artist Jim S. Smoote II, Reneau Diallo, Jamin Mahan, Carolyn L. Mazloomi and Trish Williams and the Community Remedy Quilt made by UIC students, faculty, staff and community partners under the guidance of Jim S. Smoote II.
January 18 – March 15, 2017 / AACC Gallery
Inspired by African-American quilting traditions and communities, this exhibit adapts the Center’s “Year of Remedies” programmatic theme into textural forms that symbolize resilience, healing, creativity and countless other expressions of what it might mean to remedy past and present injustices.

Paying tribute to these traditions, the array of quilts on display in this exhibit blurs the distinction between utility and artistry. Their makers carefully sew diverse textiles into vibrant quilts that carry messages about everyday life and social awareness, or that ask viewers to indulge in the joy and beauty that are quilts. they symbolize how stitching and forwarding memories are creative acts. On Beauty and Heritage’s quilts are textural forms that symbolize resilience, healing and artistry and countless other expressions of what it might mean to care for our communities and ourselves as we remedy past and present injustices.

Phase II
Featuring: La Sheron Bankhead, Doris M. Barnes, La Sheral Smith of the Needles and Threads Quilters Guild (NTQG) of Chicago.
March 29 – June 28, 2017 / AACC Gallery
The Needles and Threads Quilter Guild of Chicago’s goals and mission are to promote the love of quilting, promote the growth and development in the art and craft of quilting, to assemble quilters for the purpose of sharking ideas and skills, to give quilters the opportunity to learn various techniques and styles of quilting through demonstrations and instructions, and to support the community by providing service to Illinois charitable non-profit organizations.